North Cheshire Lacemakers Group meet at Helsby Community Centre, Lower Robin Hood Lane, Helsby, Cheshire, WA6 0BU
Our next meeting is Friday 14 February 2025 10.30 – 3.00. Susan will support the beginners teaching table from 10.30 – 12.30. This is a lace and chat meeting with a members sales table
Our next course at Frodsham Community Centre is Beading with Susan Roberts on 22 February 2025, this course is full but there are a couple of people still to pay, if you would be interested in a place if any last minute places become available please contact Lies
*** In March we are trying something new, on 22 March 2025 from 10am – 4pm we are holding a beginners and improvers day at Frodsham Community Centre, see poster for more details
From September 2024 we are going to be trying having teaching table for the first hour or so of our meetings, this is aimed primarily at beginners. There will normally be an experienced lacemaking tutor to guide and support beginners. This is the first of a number of possible initiatives the committee is currently looking at.
In January, March, May, July, September and November from 10.00 am to 3.30 pm on the 2nd Saturday (normally) when we usually welcome a speaker at 1:30 and a lace supplier.
In February, April, June, October and December from 10.30 am to 3.00 pm on the 2nd Friday (normally) when we make lace, share ideas and chat There is usually no meeting in August
Please see Meetings for more details.
2025 Subscriptions
New members: our membership rates are:
£11 for those who have not been an NCLG member in 2024
For those who were members in 2024, if you renew by the end of January 2025 there is a £5 discount on membership (please use your personalised renewal form)
FREE for Young Lacemakers, NCLG Founder members and those over 85s
Subscriptions for anyone joining NCLG from September in any year are reduced by £5.00 on the above amounts normally apply. Please make cheques payable to North Cheshire Lacemakers Group.
If joining outside of a meeting please send your form to the address on the form (please ensure your cheque is made payable to our full group name as shown on the membership form or the bank might not be able to accept your cheque)
2024/2025 Admission Charges
£2.50 for members, first time attendees (as a member or visitor) FREE, subsequent meetings are £5 for visitors. The cost covers light refreshments in the mid-morning, at lunchtime and in the afternoon (don’t forget to bring your own mug!) FREE entry for those entitled to free membership as a result of their age (and were necessary their care givers). Most members bring a packed lunch but it is possible to buy food close by the Community Centre.
We have an extensive library and books are loaned out by members for 2 months, but can be renewed by telephoning the librarian.
Insurance for our meetings, events and group equipment is now provided by Zurich as the Lace Guild is no longer able to cover groups as of August 2023.
Our thrice yearly newsletter, Pillow Talk, is published in March, July and November and contains a diary of events, information about courses organised by the group, items of news and patterns.
To join the North Cheshire Lacemakers Group just come along to one of our meetings as a visitor and pick up a membership form.
North Cheshire Lacemakers Group promotes the making of lace and encourages the pursuit of knowledge in the art of lacemaking, through classes, courses and exhibitions. Membership is open to all people who are interested in lace and willing to support and contribute towards the aims of NCLG.